Tuesday 13 March 2007

11.03.07 Safari ya barrabarra!!

Moshi chapter: After a ride down our little mountain on the back of a truck full of empty cocacola bottles on their way to be refilled (no cans here), i had an hour of the most scenic dalladalla ride to date - flat plains and plantations broken up only by views of Meru and, as we neared Moshi, Kili.Checked into a $2 a hoste headed to a reccomended crafts market - having spent up on jewellery though, we then found the most incredible leather warehouse, awarded for being 'most ethical trader in tanzania' (20 of their 40 employees are seriously physically disabled - honestly this is the only evidence so far of any kind of equal oppertunites for people with disabilities out here. The general perception seems to be that they are a hinderance to society.) Back at the hostel much chilling was done with US volunteers, and we found a hideaway tv with OC and ONe Tree Hill re-runs..perfect :) The next day we met a guy called Rasta who took us up into the Rau forest - full of genu8ine mudhuts with banana leave-woven-roofs - by far the most impoverished area we've been exposed to. But what a place to live! A treck through the forest, with Meru on the left and Kili to the right was indescribably stunning - much helped by the clear blue skys and blazing sunshine no doubt,but honestly the views were unreal. Half an hour and a Coke later (yes, even in the middle of a forest in the kilimanjaro foothills - the extent of that companys expansion in Africa becomes daily more unbelievable) and we were swimming in the plunge pool of an 100ft Merangu waterfall, 2200m above sea level.Check the pictures!! (if i can get them on that is..will just try now :) )

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